Cartas. U1. S3. Act 2, UnADM

I chose the career of business Administration and since I work for Aeromexico in the area that is called Global Solution Center in which we are an area of support that caters to different areas of the same company, we cater to passengers, airports, ticket offices, travel agencies, and sometimes to other airlines when there are flights involved with AM. 
What I do in my work, I really like it because every day you learn something different.

The reason why I chose this educational model is that acompla exactly what I need, since it allows me to study and work at the same time if affect my economy since I am the sustenance of my family. I am aware of what it takes to study in an educational model distance but I don't think letting an opportunity like that gives me the UnADM.

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Exposición de resultados. U3. S8. Act. 3, UnADM

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